Monday 9 May 2011

The 'Short & Sweet' Competition Winner's Post!

Morning all! How was the weekend? Mine was great thanks, just the right mixture of playing around with Hope and getting books read :o) What does that mean for the blog? Well, you won't be hearing any more about my playing games with Hope but you will be hearing about Dan Abnett's 'Embedded', Adam Nevill's 'The Ritual' and Douglas Hulick's 'Among Thieves'. I'm really looking forward to talking about these books as they all made for some very entertaining reading to one degree or another. Okay, 'The Ritual' was more scary than entertaining but you know what I mean...

Right now though it's time to announce the winner of last week's competition, a winner who will shortly be getting their hands on copies of Alexey Pehov's 'Shadow Prowler' and 'Shadow Chaser'. A winner whose name is...

Jake Woodworth, New York

Well done Jake! Your books will be with you soon... Better luck next time everyone else.
That's all for me today, see you folks tomorrow :o)

1 comment:

  1. Heya, thanks for hosting this giveaway. I'm looking forward to the read. :D


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