Sunday 15 May 2011

Giveaway! 'The Warlord's Legacy' (Ari Marmell)

A little bit late in the day (thank you Blogger and a sarcastic 'well done' to me as well for not paying my broadband bill...) but better late than never I guess... :o)

To mark the UK release of Ari Marmell's 'The Warlord's Legacy' (check out my review Here, I loved it) I have one copy to give away to one lucky reader of this blog. It's a 'UK only' competition though, sorry about that everyone else...

Entering is as simple as ever. Just drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is. The subject header needs to be 'Warlord's Legacy'. That's all you need to do! I'll do everything else.

I'll let this one run until the 22nd of May and will aim to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck! 

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