Tuesday 26 April 2011

The 'Tiny Bit Late and Fuelled by Coffee' Competition Winner's Post!

Morning all :o)

Did you have a good Bank Holiday Weekend? Are you still on holiday? I'm not but there's only a few more days until the next long weekend so I can't really complain. I even managed to get a fair bit of reading done over the weekend (in between sun bathing and rescuing other sunbathers from being mauled by Hope); 'The Dragon's Path' proved to be the excellent read I was expecting and if the review doesn't go up this week it'll definitely be up next week instead.

I could ramble on like this (and considering I was up at five this morning it would be all too easy to ramble) but I'll draw a line under it here otherwise I'll never get round to announcing the competition winners from last week. Those lucky folks were...

'The Last Four Things' (Paul Hoffman)

Amber Young, Idaho, US

'Embassytown' (China Mieville)

Alexander Brown, Arizona, US
Shaun Viechweg, Maryland, US
Christine Sporleder, Ilinois, US

Well done guys, your books will be on their way to you very soon. Better luck next time everyone else (I'm always working on featuring more competitions here...)

Right, time for another coffee I think. See you all tomorrow!


  1. Woo, Thanks Graeme :). Can't wait to read it, been looking forward to Embassytown ever since reading Kraken.

  2. Thanks so much! I can't wait for it to arrive, I've been really looking forward to this book!

  3. Thanks! I can't wait to start reading it.


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