Monday 11 April 2011

The 'Hope took her first step!' Competition Winner's Post!

Yep, Hope took her first step this morning. I don't think she realised what she was doing but it still counts. It's a real shame that I was at work when it happened... :o( Still, at least she did it which makes this week incredibly cool before it's had a chance to even get started!

How was your weekend? Mine was lovely and warm; I'm even sporting a little bit of a tan from chasing Hope around St. James' Park when I really wanted to be drinking beer and reading. And it looks like the weather has got it right for once as well; I'm back at work just as the sunny weather is about to come to an end... :o)
The only thing that could make today better would be if I'd won books in a competition. Sadly that hasn't happened so I'm going to go for the next best thing and announce the winners of last week's competitions instead. They were...

'Swords and Roses' (Michael Moorcock)

Jay Wilson, Arizona, US

'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter' (Seth Grahame-Smith)

Stuart Blakeley, Marino, Australia
Fraser Januchowski-Hartley, Queensland, Australia
Michael Carter, British Columbia, Canada
Arief Abidin, Malaysia
Sebastian Zeh, Stuttgart, Germany

Well done everyone! Your books are on their way :o) Better luck next time everyone else, I'll be looking to set some stuff up for this coming weekend...

What can you expect to see before then? A comic book review, an audio-book review, an absolutely gorgeous fantasy and a little Doctor Who. Something for everyone I think! Stick around...


  1. Woohoo! First and I won!

    Thanks Graeme!

    Can't wait to get my hands on the book.

  2. Thanks Graeme,

    Looking forward to this one, if Seth Grahame-Smith's previous books are anything to go by, its going to be a very enjoyable read.


  3. Biggest congratulations today have to go to Hope! Well done little lady :D

    Now your troubles REALLY begin *g*

  4. I love reading this site each week, and finally winning a book is icing on the cake! Thanks much, Graeme!


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