Sunday 17 April 2011

Giveaway! ‘The Last Four Things’ (Paul Hoffman)

One of the great things about last year was the fuss and kerfuffle stirred up by Paul Hoffman’s ‘The Left Hand of God’. Here was a book that brooked no middle ground, you either loved it or the very sight of it made you sick to the core... (For the record – I never read it, there were a whole load of books that didn’t get read last year...)

Well, it might all be happening again this year with the release of the sequel ‘The Last Four Things’... Or it might not, we won’t know until those advance reviews start to come in. How would you like to be one of the people who gets an advance copy? Check out the blurb,

To the warrior-monks known as the Redeemers, who rule over massive armies of child slaves, "the last four things" represent the culmination of a faithful life. Death. Judgement. Heaven. Hell. The last four things represent eternal bliss-or endless destruction, permanent chaos, and infinite pain.

Perhaps nowhere are the competing ideas of heaven and hell exhibited more clearly than in the dark and tormented soul of Thomas Cale. Betrayed by his beloved but still marked by a child's innocence, possessed of a remarkable aptitude for violence but capable of extreme tenderness, Cale will lead the Redeemers into a battle for nothing less than the fate of the human race. And though his broken heart foretells the bloody trail he will leave in pursuit of a personal peace he can never achieve, a glimmer of hope remains. The question even Cale can't answer: When it comes time to decide the fate of the world, to ensure the extermination of humankind or spare it, what will he choose? To express God's will on the edge of his sword, or to forgive his fellow man-and himself?
Thanks to the people at Dutton Books, I have one advance copy of ‘The Last Four Things’ to give away to one lucky reader from the US (this giveaway is US only...) and entering is as easy as ever. All you need to do is drop me an email (address at the top right hand of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is. The subject header needs to be ‘The Last Four Things’.
I’ll let this one run until the 24th of April and will aim to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.
Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. It's weird. I actually kinda hated this book, but at the same time I couldn't put it down, and the last handful of pages got me intrigued enough to make me want to check out the sequel.


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