Wednesday 20 April 2011

'Embassytown' - Bits and Pieces from MacMillan

China Mieville’s ‘Embassytown’ is out next month in the UK (I think it’s being released in June over in the US, not 100% sure though...) and it would have been remiss of the Pan MacMillan publicity people if they hadn’t dished out a whole load of links to get us all excited and chomping at the bit for the book itself. Luckily for us, those publicity types are very much on the ball and have, well... dished out a whole load of links to get us all excited and chomping at the bit for the book itself.
Check this lot out...

You can read a chapter extract from ‘Embassytown’ and get a taste of what the book is all about. Click Here.

If you're into the whole cover art side of things (And why not? It's all part of the reading experience) then have a click Here and check out the artwork for 'Embassytown' and the rest of Mieville's back catalogue.

An 'A to Z' of China Mieville? Yep, they've got one those too :o) Click Here for a selection of words that I'm having trouble pronouncing right now. It's all interesting stuff though...

If you fancy watching the man himself on video then click right Here to see China talk about 'Embassytown'.
If you're in the UK then you might fancy popping along to see China talk about 'Embassytown' on one of the dates Here. I'll be at the Forbidden Planet event on the 3rd of May and will be hoping that they've done something about the air conditioning in the basement...

I'm looking to start 'Embassytown' this weekend and will hopefully be in a position to let you know how it turned out sometime next week...

1 comment:

  1. It comes out three and a half weeks later in the US per Amazon (April 28 vs May 17). I am sorely tempted to buy it from the UK if it would be guaranteed to arrive earlier (and also for the cover) if the other new covers were released on the same day (as shipping is already enough), since I have only bought City & The City for other people and would quite like my own copy!


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