Monday 4 April 2011

The 'Calamity Jane!' Competition Winner's Post!

I did the maths over the weekend and worked out that, for the last two or three months, we've been watching this film at least twice (and sometimes even three times) a day. Why can't Hope chill out to a film like 'Dawn of the Dead'? Even 'Hard Rock Zombies' would be a big improvement to Doris Day singing 'A Woman's Touch' over and over and over again. And thus the name of this post was born... If I can't get the song 'Whip Crack Away' out of my head then I'm taking you all down with me dammit!

Sorry about that... had to get it off my chest :o)

Hope you all had a great weekend that didn't involve nineteen fifties musicals worming their way into your head and latching onto your brain... And a belated Happy Mother's Day to any Mums reading this! Hope you had a good one yesterday :o)

Thanks as well to everyone who entered the 'Brooklyn Knight' competition that I ran last week. There could only be a couple of winners though and they were...

Kimberley Kiker, Missouri, US
Sam Hall, Ohio, US

Well done guys, your books should be with you soon. Better luck next time everyone else...

That's me for today, I'm off to try and dislodge 'Calamity Jane' from my poor abused head... Stick around this week though as I try and polish off books that I promised to read weeks ago while I get stuck into another book that I've been looking forward to for a long time. No, it's not that one. It's not that one either...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for running these contests and especially for making me a winner on a Monday morning - just the boost I needed to start my day/week. We've got 3 avid readers in the house, so I'm sure this book will get a thorough going-over.


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