Monday 21 March 2011

The 'Woohoo, not at work!' Competition Winner's Post!

Thanks to paternity leave and a rather unfortunate hospital visit (both around about this time last year) I found myself with a big ol' surfeit of leave that needed to be used up by the end of this month... so that's me not at work this week then! :o) For those who are interested, all that free time will either be spent reading or stopping Hope from trying to eat the 'To Read' pile. It could go either way, wish me luck...

So I'm obviously a very happy man and will be for the rest of the week (although I'm sure the depression will start to creep back next Sunday). The following people will also be more than a little happy around about now as they won copies of Al Ewing's 'Gods of Manhattan'. Those lucky winners were...

Nicola Knapp, Mossingen, Germany
Jon Madden, Ruislip, UK
Genna Lode, Wychbold, UK

Well done guys! Your books should hopefully be with you soonish but I'm actually posting these ones myself so please allow for my current state of 'I'm not at work' laziness. I'll get on it, promise!
Better luck next time everyone else... If you can't enter the competition that I ran over the weekend (scroll down a bit) then I'll see if I can sort something out for next weekend instead.

Right, I'm off to read a book over breakfast. Enjoy your day at work everybody... ;o)


  1. Nicola Marcus Knapp21 March 2011 at 15:16

    Hello Graeme

    thanks a lot. I am really surprised that I won!!

    Have a nice week.

    kind regards


  2. Thanks Graeme

    I've already voted for you for the SFX awards - good luck with that.



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