Friday 25 March 2011

What Cover Would You Go For? 'Among Thieves' - Douglas Hulick

Here's a book that has been generating more than a few positive comments on the internet in the weeks leading up to it's release. Like this one, this one and this one as well. My copy is in the post so it'll be a little while before I get to tell you what I think, shouldn't be too long though :o) Here's the blurb in the meantime...

Drothe is a Nose, an informant who finds and takes care of trouble inside the criminal organization he’s a part of. He also smuggles imperial relics on the side.

When his boss sends him to Ten Ways to track down who’s been leaning on his organization’s people, Drothe discovers hints of a much bigger mystery. Someone is trying to stir up trouble between lower-level criminal organizations, including the one Drothe belongs to. And there’s a book rumored to contain imperial glimmer (or magic) that a lot of very dangerous people seem to be looking for - including two crime bosses known as the Gray Princes.
When Drothe discovers the book, he finds himself holding a bit of swag that can bring down emperors, shatter the criminal underworld, and unlock forbidden magic…that's if he can survive long enough to use it.

I had a quick look on Amazon to see what the US and UK covers looked like, here's what I found...

Here's the UK Cover,

And here's the US cover,

If I had to choose between the two covers? Well, there's no contest this time. The UK cover looks all dark and brooding; a little dangerous in fact. The US cover has a man who obviously takes a little too much time over his beard in the morning to be much of a thief... There is a cool swashbuckling vibe going on but the UK cover wins this round, for me anyway (although you could argue that the whole ' dangerous silhouette' thing has been done a little too much...)

That's what I think anyway, how about you? Comments please! :o)


  1. I'd take the UK cover anyday. The US one looks like it's bordering on being a cheesy romance novel, if the cover's any judge. :-P

  2. Definitely the UK version, there's more movement and a sense of danger, also the US one reminds me slightly of a romance novel

  3. I think I actually like the US cover better - although I totally agree with you about the character portrayed in the picture. But the overly large moon and the cityscape in the background give a unique scope and feel to the picture in the US version, making it "feel" more "fantasy," at least to me.

  4. I rather prefer the background of the US cover, but for the character himself, yeah, UK hands-down. US one has kinda a Pirates-of-the-Caribbean-knockoff vibe going on.

  5. My thoughts were exactly the same, I much prefer the dangerous and dark looking UK cover. The guy on the US cover looked to be a bathroom warrior with razor skills, but not much else :P

  6. I like the warm colors of the US one. Although the UK cover looks more mysterious and edgy. They're both great.

  7. Like you I prefer the UK cover.
    But I ordered a copy of the US edition due to price. In Germany there is a price difference of 4 EURO (5.65 USD; 3.49 GBP) between the two editions!

  8. UK cover. In the US one the man looks too much like the piratical lead in a romance.

    I hear the book is equally good in both covers though.

  9. I like the backround of the US cover and the brooding figure on the UK cover

  10. Definitely the UK cover. It doesn't feel as cluttered to me, and I think its monochromatic scheme is very sharp (in looks as well as hinting at danger).

  11. I agree. The UK cover is way better than the US version. I was pretty psyched when I received a review copy with the UK cover :)

  12. Agree with all who have stated that the US cover borders on cheesy romance...almost wondering where the damsel in distress is. UK cover for the win!

  13. I agree that the US cover looks like it belongs to a romance novel... but then, I like romance novels, so I'm all for the US one. Besides, the UK cover just tries just too hard to scream coolness, and where did he get that horrible hairdo?

  14. I just finished my ARC and I can tell you that in my opinion, the character seems much more like the US cover the the pretty boy on the UK cover. The UK cover is gorgeous, I love it. It just doesn't fit the book as well.
    Loved the book by the way. It was similar to a time during the Borgia's and the Italian city states, so many backstabbing allies you couldn't keep it all straight.

  15. Thanks for the votes, UK all the way!. My Mum just told me about what was being said. Heloise, quite like my hairdo, sorry you dont.



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