Thursday 3 March 2011

Publication Date for 'A Dance With Dragons'

I've totally stolen this from the Mad Hatter's website so am linking back to the original post so that my blatant theft doesn't look so bad :o) Here's the same news all over again at GRRM's own website.

The book still isn't actually done but when you've got the publisher willing to set a date for publication then that's got to make a whole lot of people feel a lot better about the whole thing, doesn't it? July 12th... I don't know about you but I'm tempted to take the day as annual leave, lock everyone out of the house and settle down for a good old read :o) The only question is whether I have time for a re-read of the series before then...


  1. I'm just hoping it has a nice big 'Previously...' section, so long since the last book...

    Opened The Crippled God last night and my god I'm lost in character names (where's he from, isn't that etc etc), hard work that I'm not sure I'm enjoying.

  2. I'll never be one to call GRRM a liar. I personally wish him a lot of luck, I know from his own postings that this has been a beast of a book to write, and I really do have a lot of sympathy for him because of that.. I realize how frustrating it must be to paint yourself into a corner and then have to figure out how to get out of it.

    But even with this.. I'll still probably only believe it when i walk into barnes and noble and actually pick the book up with my own two hands.. and flip through it to make sure it's not just blank paper..

  3. I think people can take this one as real. Never in the history of the entire saga that has become the wait for ADwD has Martin or his publisher given a firm date. I'm stoked and just trying to decide when I start the re-read.


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