Sunday 27 March 2011

Giveaway! 'Brooklyn Knight' (C.J. Henderson)

Thanks to those lovely people at Tor Books I have two copies of C.J.Henderson's 'Brooklyn Knight' to give away on the blog (to mark the forthcoming publication of the sequel 'Central Park Knight'). Only people in the US can enter though so sorry about that everyone else... Here's the blurb,

Professor Piers Knight is an esteemed curator at the Brooklyn Museum and is regarded by many on the staff as a revered institution of his own if not an outright curiosity. Knight’s portfolio includes lost civilizations; arcane cultures, languages, and belief; and more than a little bit of the history of magic and mysticism.What his contemporaries don't know is that in addition to being a scholar of all things ancient he is schooled in the uses of magical artifacts, the teachings of forgotten deities, and the threats of unseen dangers.I never got round to reading this when it was first published, don't really have the time right now but it doesn't look bad at all... How about you, do you fancy a copy to read?

If a mysterious object surfaces, Professor Knight makes it his job to figure it out--and make sure it stays out of dangerous hands.

A contemporary on an expedition in the Middle East calls Knight's attention to a mysterious object in the collection of the Brooklyn Museum … just before it becomes the target of a sorcerous attack that leads to a siege on a local precinct house by a fire elemental.

What looks like an ordinary inscribed stone may unlock an otherworldly Armageddon that certain dark powers are all too eager to bring about--and only Piers Knight stands in their way.

If you do then entering couldn't be easier, simply send me an email (address at the top of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is. I'll do everything else.

I'll leave this one open until April 3rd and will announce winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!


  1. I'm guessing the subject needs to be "Brooklyn Knight" on this one?

  2. Whoops...

    Yep, 'Brooklyn Knight' should be on the subject header... :o)


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