Wednesday 16 March 2011

Blimey... 'Graeme's Fantasy Book Review' nominated for an SFX award!

And looking at the competition has made it a lot easier for me to chill out and just enjoy the warm fuzzy feeling I got from being nominated. It's like hanging out with the cool kids at school, check out the contenders...

There's me (obviously)

Adam Whitehead of 'The Wertzone', the man who knows more about George R.R. Martin than George does himself. He writes a damn fine review as well and was one of the reasons why I started blogging (seriously).

David Langford's 'Ansible'. When God created science fiction, David Langford was there to cover it in the first issue of 'Ansible'. He won a Hugo for it and hasn't stopped winning them since...

'SF Signal', a site so huge that it occupies fully half of the Internet (and it's crammed full of genre goodness)

Look at that list, you can't fail to vote for something worthwhile there so follow this link and get voting (you'll find us all in the 'Best Literary Blog' section Here). Or click on the 'Blog Awards' box at the side of the screen, either is good :o)


  1. Congratulations on being nominated. Here's hoping you win!

  2. Wow congratulations :D Very well deserved even if just for the few fabulous books I've found since I started reading your blog (guess who got a Walking Dead Compendium for her birthday? Oh yes sirree!)

    Have voted but I couldn't possibly tell you who for! Nudge, nudge. Good luck!

  3. Congratulations, Graeme! It's deserved.

    Good luck!

  4. Cheers guys :o) I don't know about winning but I'll be happy to get a respectable score compared to the other guys!

    Carmen - You got the Walking Dead compendium? Cool :o) You've got some quality reading waiting for you there...

  5. Nice! I agree with the others; the nomination is definitely well-deserved! Best of luck on winning!

  6. Great news on the nomination. You're mixing it with the big boys now.

    Congrats, and good luck!

  7. I like your blog because you are so much less of an know-it-all egomaniac than someone like Wert.

  8. Well, erm... I'm really glad you like the blog but having met Wert I'm going to have to refute the whole know it all ego maniac thing. He's a nice guy who knows just what he's on about :o)

  9. Ah that's awesome! Congrats Graeme and best of luck!

  10. Congratulations! That's awesome! you've been publishing one of my favourite blogs for some time now, it's nice to see you get some kudos.

    Well done!

  11. Wow, that's really neat that you were nominated! Congratulations!


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