Saturday 12 February 2011

Giveaway! ‘Trouble and Her Friends’ (Melissa Scott)

Here’s a book that I plan to read over the next week or so.... hopefully; real life doesn’t seem to want me reading too many books at the moment... Check out the blurb,

100 years from now, the forces of law and order crack down on the world of the internet. India Carless, alias Trouble, managed to stay one step ahead of the feds until she retired from life as a hacker. But someone has stolen her pseudonym and begun using it for criminal hacking. One of the fastest guns on the electronic frontier, Trouble has been called out of retirement for one last fight. And it’s a killer…

I haven’t read any cyberpunk in a long time so it will be good to pick this up and get back into the game. In the meantime, those lovely folk at Tor have given me two copies of ‘Trouble and Her Friends’ to give away on the blog (open to US readers only though I’m afraid).
If you fancy your chances then you know what to do next. Simply drop me an email (address at the top right hand of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is, the subject header will be ‘Trouble’.

I’ll leave this one open until the 20th of February and will aim to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!

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