Monday 17 January 2011

New Blogs on the Blogroll!

Blogs come, blogs go and nowhere is this more the case than on my blogroll where I did a little pruning a few minutes ago. The blogroll is for me to follow just as much (if not more so) as it is for you so if I’m not reading a blog then it doesn’t need to be there anymore. Notable exceptions here are ‘Nextread’ and ‘Speculative Horizons’; these blogs may not be running anymore but they are still a great resource for speculative fiction so they stay right where they are.

That’s not to say that the blogroll will be noticeably shorter though as some new ones have cropped up and will replace the ones that have gone. You’re probably reading them already (and have been for ages), I am notoriously slow at updating the blogroll and have only just got round to it. These blogs are great though and you should definitely check them out if you haven’t already.

‘Iceberg Ink’

Aidan’s blog has long held the title of ‘Coolest Blog Name on the Internet’. It’s been a long time but now there is a new ‘Coolest Name’ in town, a name that just oozes cool in fact. Sometimes all I can do is just wish for half the inspiration that guys like these have...

If that wasn’t enough, Scott and Chris fill their blog (almost to overflowing) with everything that’s cool about science fiction and fantasy including cover art, comic books and Doctor Who. That’s right, Doctor Who. It’s almost as if they knew exactly how to get onto my blogroll...

‘Bookworm Blues’

Due to my eight month old daughter’s ongoing love affair with the blues (seriously) I find myself mysteriously drawn to any blog with ‘Blues’ in the title. Luckily for me, this led me to Sarah’s blog and a little treasure trove of book reviews that I’m working my way through. I’ve also got a lot of respect for people who really open up online and tell us just who they are. Sarah scores big here as well and I hope that 2011 is a better year for her than 2010.

‘The Maneating Bookworm’

If you’re looking for something a little different ‘review-wise’ then you could do worse than stop by Peter’s blog for a healthy dose of horror and crime fiction. Maybe I’m looking in the wrong places but these are two genres that feel underrepresented online so it’s good to see them featured here. Peter likes ‘Bone’ as well and that’s always a plus point as far as I’m concerned.

‘King of the Nerds’

The internet is full to capacity with geeks and nerds so it’s got to take a pretty brave person to come out and say that they are in fact the nerdiest of them all. That’s Mike’s claim to fame though, stop by and see what you think...

Are there any other blogs that I'm missing out on? You probably know what I'm into by now, leave a comment if there's a blog out there that you think I should be reading.


    (Sorry for the horrible self-promotion...)

  2. Oh, and Ranting Dragon's pretty good.

  3. Some very kind words there sir. We try to keep things fresh and fun and I'm so glad to share the blogosphere with all you talented bloggers!

    As to the name: It was a week long labour of love. Chris and discussed names over BBM for a long time before finally arriving at Iceberg should hear some of the ones we threw away...LOL!

    Thanks again for the kind words sir!

  4. Know what you mean - I'm always pruning mine. There just isn't enough time in the day for them all.

    Going to check these links out though... so there may be a few more added.

  5. Thanks for listing my blog! That was really cool for me to see!

  6. BONE rules! ;)

    Thanks for mention, Graeme! Caught me off guard, but much appreciated.

  7. Thanks for the great info on blogs, I am always looking for new ones to check out.

  8. I'd joke and say you should be reading my blog, but I freely admit that mine is nowhere near as good as it could be. :p Though I do hear awesome things about Bookworm Blues; I might have to start reading that blog myself.

  9. I have a blog at . It's a new blog, so I don't have much content, but I am working on it. I have your blog on delicious. I wish your blog had a Review Index. But anyways, I thought I would link to my blog in case you were interested. Thank you sir. :)

  10. I always meant to add this my "about" page but the title was given to me by college roommates. I merely accepted it. :P

  11. Thanks, Stefan, for mentioning us at The Ranting Dragon!


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