Monday 20 December 2010

Which Cover Would You Go For? ‘The Way of Kings’ – Brandon Sanderson

If you live in the US (or you couldn’t wait and ordered a copy early) then you’ve had a copy of ‘The Way of Kings’ for a little while now. Did you enjoy it? As is the case with all the ‘doorstopper’ size hardbacks at the moment, this one is still waiting to be read. One day I’ll find the time to read something that’s longer than 400 pages...

If you live in the UK then the end of the month will see you able to pick up the UK edition of ‘The Way of Kings’; I’d use both hands to pick it up though as it is huge! The question, as always, though is... Which cover would you rather see on your bookshelf?

Here’s the UK cover,

And here’s the US cover,

I’m going for the US cover again (who said that US cover art isn’t up to much?) The UK cover has a nice ‘swirly magic effect’ going on but doesn’t cover up the fact that what we’re looking at here is a fairly generic looking guy in armour who’s not doing an awful lot. The US cover though... Here’s a cover that takes you into another world before you’ve even opened the book itself and you can’t give cover art a lot more praise than that.

How about you though? If you were going to buy this book, which cover would you want on your bookshelf?


  1. Easily the US cover. It's hard to beat Michael Whelan at his best.

  2. I have the US edition and I do like the US cover over the UK cover.

  3. Having read the book I advise you to heft in onto your lap and get started. It's great. The last hundred pages may be the best modern fantasy I've read.
    I like the US cover because it depicts the nature of the world Sanderson has created. The other cover might lead you to believe one fell warrior is the center of his epic and that's not even close to the truth.

  4. Definitely the US cover. I like the portrayal of the Shattered Plains!

  5. Oh, yes, this time I'd also go for the US cover. I was just recently thinking, where I would prefer the UK cover would be Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch (here in the US, it's Midnight Riot). Here's a link to those covers:

  6. Definitely the US cover. It just screams "epic."

  7. I love the US cover art, and the behind-the-scenes about it at a few months back was great to read!

  8. The UK cover looks boringly generic, while the US one is the best cover I've ever seen. It's bright and colorful. In fact, I bought and framed a signed print of it.

  9. This is the first book by Brandon Sanderson that I've read, and probably one of the best fantasy books ever published. This book can be comfortably placed along side other greats of the genre and hold its own. I suggest reading it soon.

  10. I like both covers, but personally would choose the more contemporary UK cover - the problem with the US one is that it looks very similar to a lot of slightly older fantasy / scifi books from the eighties and early nineties to me. Having said that it does give that immediate fantastical effect of transporting you to another world as you say - so I would happily pick it up. But then again anything I'd pick up anything that said 'Brandon Sanderson on the front.

  11. When I get round to purchasing a copy I intend to buy the US edition.

    In this instance, at least feel as though I have a choice between two semi-decent covers. While I don't really rate the covers of the US editions of Sanderson's Mistborn series, I prefer them to the UK covers.

  12. I've already ordered the UK version (hurry up Amazon) but the US cover is much much better. Reminds me of the Dune covers from the 70's and 80's

  13. US cover. Love Michael Whelan's art!

  14. I the US cover is better but I am not a big fan of it. The UK cover, however, is just bad. It could have been really cool if the suit of armor and sword had looked remotely like Plate and Blade.

  15. I'm breaking with the pack here and going with the UK cover. The US cover looks like just another fantasy. It's typical US fantasy cover art and dull.

  16. I really wish the US cover was available here. I don't like the UK cover much. The US version definitely has that 'epic' feel to it.

  17. I'll probably sound like a broken record, but I prefer the U.S. cover myself. The colors work so well together and it conveys a sense of impending adventure to me.

  18. The US cover is a classic almost a cliche but that is not necessarily a bad thing and I smiled at the familiarity I felted when I saw it.
    The UK cover is too girly and airey-fairy for me.


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