Saturday 18 December 2010

What Cover Would You Go For? ‘Songs of the Dying Earth’ – George R.R. Martin & Gardner Dozois.

Every so often I’m given the same book by two different publishers. I’m only going to read one of them so, in an attempt to be fair, I post pictures of each cover and ask you all which one you prefer.
Up this time round is the ‘Songs of the Dying Earth’ collection; a choice that has me feeling a little guilty as the UK edition has been sat on my shelf for about a year now and still hasn’t been opened (one of those books that I’m very interested in reading but somehow manage to forget is on the list...) Oh well, I’ll have to add it to the massive pile of books that I’ll be looking at reading over Christmas and the New Year.

In the meantime...

Here’s the UK cover,

And here’s the US cover,

In what is fast becoming a pattern, I’m going to go for the US cover. I get what the UK cover is trying to do but, at the end of the day, it doesn’t look like much more than a orangey red circle. The US cover gives you a better idea of what this world is all about. When that sun goes down, it’s not coming back up again. I like that sense of finality.

What about you though? What cover would you go for?


  1. Oh, the US for sure. Near enough as simple in concept, but so much more dynamic in the excecution.

    Plus, bonus Dan Simmons novella in the US edition. Funny, I've managed to end up with a copy of each myself, and we're in precisely the same position, Graeme; the UK edition has been taunting me for... oh, must be a year. But I haven't read The Dying Earth, so... maybe I'm a touch intimidated. Gotta to get round to it though.

  2. US Cover. I seldom say this, but the UK Cover doesn't look like a professionally produced book, despite the names on the cover. Just from the picture, I question the quality.

  3. I wasn't immediately thrilled with the U.S. cover when it first arrived on my doorstep, but looking at the book "live" it really is a very effective cover image, and it looks especially cool on the spine.

  4. They're both kind of uninspiring. The US cover has a bit more splash, but it lacks a focal point. I think the UK cover would be more likely to attract my attention. Really, neither one of them is very good. I'd probably go UK if you made me pick.

  5. I'm with you; I prefer the US cover as well.

  6. I agree, the US cover looks a lot more dynamic than the UK version. Orangey red circles just aren't that exciting :P

  7. That's the old UK cover. The current one is, erm, a red cover with a yellowy circle on it.

    The version I have is the original Sub Press edition, which frankly I think is the best of the lot.

    Also, isn't the Dan Simmons novella in the UK edition? It's the centrepiece of the collection and probably the best story in it.

  8. US definitely. That one would make me pick it up and look at it in the book shop - the UK one wouldn't unfortunately.

  9. US all the way. Have you seen the Sub Press cover:

    This edition was the first released with art by Tom Kidd. Good stuff as well.

  10. I kind of like the simplicity of the UK cover, but the US one probably gets my vote also. Actually, the US cover has 3 slightly different versions I've seen online...dunno which one the book actually has. But they all have the same background, just slightly different text.

  11. Subterranean's version is way better than either of these.

    I loved this book, BTW. My favorite anthology ever. It's available on audio, too.

  12. Mad Hatter Review:

    I have been kicking myself for not getting the Subterranean Press version when it was released. It was a very reasonable price and I am a fan of Tom Kidd's artwork. It would have made the perfect companion to the Sub. Press edition of The Jack Vance Treasury that I do own. I was trying to be good at the time and not spend more than I needed to. Ah, what fools we mortals be! :)

  13. I'm only going with what I've actually been given but the Sub Press edition wins hands down, no question about it :o)


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