Monday 13 December 2010

The 'Straight To The Point' Competition WInner's Post!

Because sometimes that's all you can do on a Monday morning when you haven't had your first coffee of the day... :o) Why does the baby insist on sleeping to her schedule and not mine...?

Anyway, thanks to everyone who entered last week's competitions. The following people have some book shaped goodness headed their way...

'Echo City' - Tim Lebbon

Benni Amato, California, US
Frank Errington, Philadelphia, US
Adam Burgess, Illinois, US

'Stonewielder' - Ian Cameron Esslemont

Ieva Zalite, Latvia
James Yarker, London, UK
Mieneke van der Salm, The Netherlands

Well done guys, your books will be on their way soon! The customary 'better luck next time' to everyone else. Right, time for that coffee...


  1. Wow! Thank you Graeme. I cyhecked my e-mail this morning and learned I won a copy of Tim Lebbon's Echo City. Not quite as surprising as the time I leared a Nigerian Prince was leaving be his fortune, but I'm will waiting for that prize. Thanks again Graeme ;-)

    -Frank Errington

  2. An awesome bonus Christmas present! Many thanks Graeme and Merry Xmas to you and yours.

  3. Yay!! Thank you so much Graeme :) You made my day!

  4. Wow! Thanks so much! I have never read anything by Tim Lebbon, but the book sounded interesting - I'm looking forward to it!

  5. Thank you Graeme. Didn't expect to win, but strange things happen.


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