Saturday 11 December 2010

A Saturday Cover Art Post... ‘The Runestaff’ (Michael Moorcock)

I got a little ahead of myself and reviewed ‘The Runestaff’ via an old UK edition that I picked up second hand. I couldn’t help it, I was enjoying the series way too much to have to wait at all! However, Vance Kovacs’ amazing cover art is always worth a look so ‘The Runestaff’ gets itself featured again. Check it out,

It feels a little more ‘posed’ than the others, and not quite as natural, but it’s still looking good as far as I’m concerned. My bookshelves are a little crowded at the moment (so I tend to pick up collected or omnibus editions where I can) but for those of you with a little more space, these new Tor editions of ‘The History of the Runestaff’ series are going to look good on anyone’s shelves! What do you reckon?


  1. Yup, that is a very cool picture...though I think at this point it impossible to have a horse rearing in cover art with out it looking at list a little posed...still, very cool picture.

  2. I like the fonts that they've used. They work very well with the image.

  3. I agree that it looks quite static, but it's still a very nice looking cover; I especially like the background details.


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