Saturday 4 December 2010

Giveaway! ‘Echo City’ (Tim Lebbon)

Look out for a review sometime next week. What I will say now though is that it is a gorgeous read. If you’re a fan of Tim Lebbon then you’ve already picked this up I’m sure. If you’re looking for a place to get started on Lebbon’s work then you can do a lot worse than start here. How would you like to win a copy...?

Check out the blurb first,

Surrounded by a vast, poisonous desert, Echo City is built upon the graveyard of its own past. Most inhabitants believe that their city and its subterranean Echoes are the whole of the world, but there are a few dissenters. Peer Nadawa is a political exile, forced to live with criminals in a ruinous slum. Gorham, once her lover, leads a ragtag band of rebels against the ruling theocracy. Nophel, a servant of that theocracy, dreams of revenge from his perch atop the city’s tallest spire. And beneath the city, a woman called Nadielle conducts macabre experiments in genetic manipulation using a science indistinguishable from sorcery. They believe there is something more beyond the endless desert . . . but what?

It is only when a stranger arrives from out of the wastes that things begin to change. Frail and amnesiac, he holds the key to a new beginning for Echo City—or perhaps to its end, for he is not the only new arrival. From the depths beneath Echo City, something ancient and deadly is rising. Now Peer, Gorham, Nophel, and Nadielle must test the limits of love and loyalty, courage and compassion, as they struggle to save a city collapsing under the weight of its own history.

Sounds good doesn’t it? Thanks to the nice people at Spectra, I have three copies of ‘Echo City’ to give away on the blog (but only to people in the US though). Entering is as simple as ever, simply drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is. The subject header needs to be ‘Echo City’. I’ll do everything else.

I’ll be leaving this one open until the 12th of December and will aim to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!


  1. Oh this sounds good. I've never read anything by Lebbon-- so I may have to take your advice and start here.

  2. Ooh does sound good. Good luck lucky peeps in the US :)


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