Wednesday 1 December 2010

December Book Porn!

Well... I bought all this stuff last night so it should be 'November Book Porn' really but it's December 1st and I'm posting about it right now so, um... so there! :o)
You may have noticed the little advert in the corner, you may not. It's there though and one thing that I promised myself was that at least some of the revenue would go back into books that I would like to feature on the blog (note: this may have just been an excuse to go book shopping, I don't know...) Check out what came home with me last night...

I really enjoyed reading this way back in the day and it's more than worth picking up in trade paperback now. Expect a review to be up fairly soon.
'Dead City' is one of my favourite zombie tales and I've been looking forward to the sequels for a while now. Publication of 'Apocalypse of the Dead' totally went under the radar but when I saw the book, in the shop, it didn't stay on the shelf for long. To be read and reviewed pretty darn soon...
It was way back in September that I admitted to never having read anything by Fritz Leiber and I figured that the time had come to do something about that! Where better place to start than the first books of Lankhmar? I can see this one being a 'read over the Christmas holiday' affair so don't expect to see a review anytime soon. Maybe, I don't know...
'Gilded Latten Bones' persuaded me to give the 'Garret PI' books another shot so I went straight out and, with no regard to the order of the series, bought ones where the cover caught my eye. These will pop up here and there over the course of the month, possibly with other books by Glen Cook that I've been meaning to get round to reading...

So, what else will be happening this month? I'm into the final stages of Tim Lebbon's 'Echo City' and then it's onto Michael Moorcock's first set of 'Corum' tales. Rebecca Levene's 'Ghost Dance' and Jeff  Vandermeer's 'Predator: South China Sea' are waiting patiently to be reviewed. After that? It's wide open, I can see myself just going with the flow and picking up whatever catches my eye really :o) Stick around and see what happens next...

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