Monday 15 November 2010

The 'Whose stupid idea was it to have a themed month?' Competition Winner's Post.

I'm full of good intentions but also have an attention span similar to that of my six and a half month old daughter at the moment... The plan was to only read books this month that I'd specifically promised to read; all well and good but what do you do when you can't get into any of them and all the other books on the shelves suddenly look a lot more tempting...? This could be the 'shortest themed' month on record but if I don't add a few more books to the mix then I'll probably end up not reading anything at all! Oh well, we'll see how it goes...

In the meantime, I have a few competition winners to announce :o) Thanks to everyone who entered the 'Ulysses Quicksilver' and 'Tomes of the Dead' competitions over the last week. I had just over three hundred entries, all in all, so thanks for helping my email inbox feel all smug and well fed!
There could only be a certain number of winners though and they were...

'Best of Tomes of the Dead'

Carmen Wing, Kent, UK
Angie Thomas-Davis, Cardiff, UK

'The Ulysses Quicksilver Omnibus'

Susan Wood, Edinburgh, UK
Anna Bakes, East Yorkshire, UK

Well done to all the winners, your books will be on their way very soon. Better luck next time everyone else...


  1. Wow, thank you so much, I will look forward to reading this book.

  2. Yay! Thank you Graeme! I am looking forward... with some trepidation and excitement to reading this book!

  3. My whole life has consisted of making plans then doing something radically different.
    I think a plan, even an abandoned one, gives you perspective so you aren't left with the feeling of meandering pointlessly through your life.

  4. There are some books that I really want to read this month but, those aside, I think I'll be ditching the theme and just going with the flow again. I'm not enjoying it at the moment so I need to change it :o)


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