Saturday 20 November 2010

Giveaway! ‘Seed Seeker’ (Pamela Sargent)

If you’ve been following Pamela Sargent’s ‘Seed’ trilogy then this could be the competition for you (only if you live in the US though, this one is a ‘US residents only competition’ I’m afraid...) Thanks to the nice people at Tor Books, I have two copies of ‘Seed Seeker’ to give away to two readers of this blog. Check out the blurb,

Hundreds of years ago, a sentient starship named Ship settled humans on the planet Home with a promise to return. The colony divided into those who live in the original domed building and those who live by the river, hunting and farming to survive. When a new light appears in the sky, the River People send a seventeen-year-old girl named Bian to find out what the Dome Dwellers, who have a radio to communicate with Ship, know. Bian ponders why the Dome Dwellers have said nothing. Has Ship commanded them to be silent, in preparation for some judgment on the River People? Or are the Dome Dwellers lying to Ship, turning Ship against their rivals. Whatever the answer, life is about to radically change on both sides of the divide…

I haven’t read this series myself but might give ‘Seed Seeker’ a go depending on how things go with the reading pile over the next month or so. Is it your thing though? If it is... well, you know what to do next. Simply drop me an email telling me who you are and what your postal address is. The subject header needs to be 'Seed Seeker'. I’ll do the rest.

I’ll be letting this one run until the 28th of November and will announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!


  1. Interesting concept for a novel. The blurb had a "Rendezvous with Rama" kind of feel (at least for me). I can't think of too many other colony novels off the top of my head...does anyone have any suggestions?

  2. This sounds really good and I like that it has a female lead, or it seems like it!!
    Thanks for the rec!


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