Monday 25 October 2010

'Zombie Apocalypse' - Competition Winners!

It would appear that there are more zombie fans out there than I thought... Last week's competition, for Stephen Jones' 'Zombie Apocalypse', pulled in two hundred and sixty four entries. Two hundred and sixty four entries! Not only did that make this competition one of the more popular on the blog but it also means that when the zombie apocalypse finally happens, I will be forced to share the post apocalyptic spoils with at least two hundred and sixty four other people. That's what they think anyway...

It's a real shame then that the competition was only to win one of five copies of 'Zombie Apocalypse'. Five books, five winners. Those lucky winners were,

Andrey Panevin, Tasmania
Michael Carter, British Columbia, Canada
Milan Zacek, Czech Republic
Kelly Anastasopoulou , Athens, Greece
Nicola Jones, Northumberland, UK

Well done guys, your books will be on their way very soon. Better luck next time everyone else...


  1. rotfl!!

    OMG 264? Seriously?
    I can't believe I won then!!
    I should also try the lottery today or something! Heeh, thanks SO much!!!

    And congrats to all the winners! XD

  2. Whoopee! Thank you so much!! I am really looking forward to reading this mosaic book as I've heard lots of exciting things about it. Cheers, all the best! Milan from Bohemia

  3. Many Thanks! Looking forward to reading the book. : )
    Congratulations to everyone else!



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