Monday 18 October 2010

The Monday Morning 'I don't think I'm a zombie but I sure feel like one...' Competition Winner's Post!

That's what comes of my dreaming that I forgot to set my alarm last night (and then waking up far too early...) Have any of you guys ever had a Monday that starts off perfectly? I could really do with one of those...

Oh well, this Monday will be starting off pretty darn nicely for the people who won last week's competition. If you didn't win this time round then I'd recommend you grab a copy of 'Pariah' anyway, it's more than worth your time and money.
The lucky winners were...

Jessica Lay, Dallas, US
Carrie Conley, Elm City, US

Your books are on their way! Better luck next time everyone else. You might want to consider entering the competition for 'Zombie Apocalypse', another great read. Scroll down the page a bit and have a look...


  1. Thanks for the awesome news. Looking forward to getting this. Congrats to my fellow winner and thanks for all your killer giveaways.

  2. Gosh are yoou kidding?
    mondays are meant to be horrible! lol
    I dont think I have had a "good" Monday in like 2 years... lol

    Congrats to the winners!

  3. Thank you very much....I am looking forward to reading this book...and congrats to my fellow winner....


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