Monday 4 October 2010

The 'How to make a Monday morning even worse...' Competition Winner's Post!

It's a Monday morning, it's October and it's all rainy and cold. You'd look at that sentence and think that it couldn't be any worse than that, wouldn't you? Well, you'd be wrong. It's tube strike season once again on the streets of old London Town...
To be fair, my journey in wasn't that bad (I got a seat and everything!) but the thing about London commuters is that we all hate travelling in any kind of proximity to other London commuters. With the tube out of action, and everyone crammed that much closer together as a result, the negative feelings emanating from my fellow passengers were almost tangible. I'm so looking forward to the rush hour commute home tonight! :o(

Oh well, Monday morning should be a whole lot better for the following people as they are the lucky winners of last week's competitions. These lucky people are...

'Haunted Legends' - Ellen Datlow & Nick Mamatas

Jeff Evans, Portland, USA

'The Fall' - Guillermo Del Toro & Chuck Hogan

Gerard Sage, Whitstable, Kent
Nina Miller, Glasgow, Scotland
Elliott Day, Watford, UK

Well done everyone, your books should be on their way around... about... now! :o)
Better luck next time everyone else.


  1. Wow - I actually won something!

    Thanks so much. I'm excited to read it. I just started on The Way of Kings, so hopefully I'll have enough time to read all 1,000 pages before this book arrives.

    The last package I received from the UK was the DVD box set of Peep Show I ordered. Good things come from the UK! :)


  2. This made my monday morning better.

    Loads better!

    (ok, monday evening technically is when I found out, but if I had found out in the morning, totally would have improved that!)

    Thanks thanks thanks Graeme :)

  3. Thank you. Winning a contest is always a great feeling. Enjoyed the book too.Thanks Graeme


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