Thursday 9 September 2010

Stupid Spammers...

I thought I'd beaten them but comments about Nike trainers are starting to creep into the posts...

As a result, I've had to turn on the comment moderation for all posts. Some of the stuff these spammers are posting is pretty vile and I don't want it on the blog at all! This means that you're going to have to wait a little while for your comments to appear if you make any. Don't worry though! If you're commenting about about posts (instead of just linking to rubbish spam) then your comments will make it onto the blog... :o)


  1. I've been going through the same thing. I haven't been spammed for the last week or so, so I may try to take off full moderation. But I don't know.... Pain in the neck.

  2. I get a lot of comments written in Chinese characters - usually they are positive messages...but once in a while they are porn related. How do I know? Why because I translate them with Google translater! LOL

  3. All I get is spam from someone trying to sell Ugg boots. I'd kill for some quality Nike or porn spam! ;)

  4. The secret to avoiding the spammers is to have a completely uninteresting, unvisited blog ;) Once I stopped updating mine regularly, my Russian pill dealers leaving praising comments on my articles dropped dramatically.

    Just sayin'. Its either that, or like, moderation. But that sounds like work.

  5. Are you getting the 'pre-teens video channel' spam too? That one really disturbs me every time I see it. I wish there was someone I could report it to - I mean I'm sure it's just all hot air (because there's no way something like that would be so open is there?) but it pains me to just press 'delete' and do nothing more.

  6. Celine - I haven't had that one yet and I hope I don't either!

    Mardel - Erm... Hooray for Google translator? ;o)

    DD - I've got plenty to send your way if you fancy a swap? ;o)

    Michael - You make some good points there but I'm going to stick as I am for now ;o)

    SQT - Hopefully the spammers have gone for good. Good Luck!


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