Sunday 1 August 2010

More pulpy cover goodness...

On Friday, James took things ‘old school’ with some rather gorgeous pulp covers from yesteryear. He’s right you know; while there are a lot of worthy genre books out there to get your teeth into, a good dose of ‘pulp’ is thoroughly recommended for your balanced reading diet :o) I swear by it in fact!

As James has cast his eye over covers of the past I thought it could be cool to shamelessly riff on his original idea (cheers James!) and look at some more recent pulp covers to round things off a bit. My ‘one stop shop’ for all things pulp these days is Abaddon Books, a publisher that will quite happily throw everything at a book if the end result is a great read. You can read more about the forthcoming titles Here but have a look at the covers in the meantime...

These aren’t the final covers but you can be pretty safe in assuming that there’ll only be a few minor changes to the artwork and this is what you’ll essentially be getting. Good aren’t they? Okay, I'm not sure about 'The Trials of Trass Kathra' either... If what I’ve read so far is anything to go by then ‘The Viking Dead’, ‘Arrowland’ and ‘Anno Frankenstein’ will be worth keeping an eye out for...


  1. Viking Zombies!!! Vikings and Zombies!!!! Consider it bought. I can't live knowing this exists and I don't have it.

  2. LOL Graeme, the 'Trials of Trass Kathra'-cover was the one I liked best :D And having just looked the series up at Abaddon, I think the story might be fun too!


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