Saturday 7 August 2010

'Jeff Somers' Competition!

Here’s a cool one for you guys... (Although by ‘you guys’ I actually mean ‘you guys in the UK’, it’s UK entries only I’m afraid...)

Long term readers of the blog will know that I’ve enjoyed reading Jeff Somers’ ‘Avery Cates’ sequence. If you haven’t, but you like your reading full of uber-violence delivered by very cool assassin types, then I reckon you will too. Trust me on this :o)

I put down Somers’ latest, ‘The Terminal State’, to embark on the ‘Terry Goodkind Challenge’. Check out the blurb,

Avery Cates is in better shape than ever with the top-class augments the army's fitted him with. Pity he's no more than a puppet then, because they've also got a remote that can fry his brain at any second. And now a corrupt colonel is selling his controls to the highest bidder. Avery has visions of escape and bloody revenge - until he realises just who's bought him. Because the highest bidder is Canny Orel himself, Avery's oldest enemy. And as the System slides into chaos, Canny wants Cates to do one last job. Avery just needs one chance to get back at the old gunner - but this time, it's Canny who's holding all the cards.

Sounds good doesn’t it? I’m certainly looking forward to getting back into this one when I finally get the chance.

Thanks to Orbit, I’ve got prizes that should appeal to fans and people who haven’t given this series a go yet. If you’re a fan, I’ve got two copies of ‘The Terminal State’ to give away to two lucky readers of the blog. If you haven’t given this series a go yet... how would you like to win a copy of every book so far? One lucky winner will get copies of ‘The Electric Church’, ‘The Digital Plague’, ‘The Eternal Prison’ and ‘The Terminal State’; talk about getting up to speed quickly! Sounds good doesn’t it? So, how do you enter...?

Entering is simply a matter of dropping me an email (address at the top right hand of the screen) with your name and postal address. This competition has more than one prize to be won though so you need to make it clear what you’re entering for...

If you’re just after a copy of ‘The Terminal State’ then your subject header needs to be ‘The Terminal State’. If you’re after all four books though, your subject header needs to be ‘I fancy giving this series a go...’ Miss out any of this information from your email and your entry gets deleted...

I’ll be letting this one run until the 15th of August and will aim to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

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