Monday 30 August 2010

Giveaway! 'The Last Page' - Anthony Huso

Another one that's sat in the reading pile and I'm planning on getting to as soon as I can! Looks like it could be my thing though, here's the blurb...

The city of Isca is set like a dark jewel in the crown of the Duchy of Stonehold. In this sprawling landscape, the monsters one sees are nothing compared to what’s living in the city’s sewers.

Twenty-three-year-old Caliph Howl is Stonehold’s reluctant High King. Thrust onto the throne, Caliph has inherited Stonehold’s dirtiest court secrets. He also faces a brewing civil war that he is unprepared to fight. After months alone amid a swirl of gossip and political machinations, the sudden reappearance of his old lover, Sena, is a welcome bit of relief. But Sena has her own legacy to claim: she has been trained from birth by the Shradnae witchocracy—adept in espionage and the art of magical equations writ in blood—and she has been sent to spy on the High King.

Yet there are magics that demand a higher price than blood. Sena secretly plots to unlock the Cisrym Ta, an arcane text whose pages contain the power to destroy worlds. The key to opening the book lies in Caliph’s veins, forcing Sena to decide if her obsession for power is greater than her love for Caliph.

Meanwhile, a fleet of airships creeps ever closer to Isca. As the final battle in a devastating civil war looms and the last page of the Cisrym Ta waits to be read, Caliph and Sena must face the deadly consequences of their decisions. And the blood of these conflicts will stain this and other worlds forever.

Thanks to Tor, I have two copies of 'The Last Page' to give away on the blog. I'm afriad that you can only enter though if you're living in the US. Sorry about that everyone else...

To enter, all you need to do is drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is). Your subject header (should you choose to enter) will be 'The Last Page'.

I’m leaving this one open until Sunday the 5th of September and will aim to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!


  1. Never heard of this, but the blurb from Glen Cook has me sold.

  2. This sounds interesting - enter me please! Thanks!

    ofabookworm AT gmail DOT com

  3. Sounds good, sign me up please

  4. Have to agree with @Salt-Man Z, Glen Cook is awesome and his blurb is easily the difference between wish list and shopping cart.

  5. I'm with you guys, Glen Cook on the cover has pretty much guaranteed that I'll read it. Soon. Hopefully...


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