Saturday 21 August 2010

Giveaway! ‘ The Bird of the River’ (Kage Baker)

Not only did I really enjoy this book (seriously, check out the review) but I’ve also loved everything else of Baker’s that I’ve picked up. What better way to spread the love then, you all really need to pick up her books, than a giveaway for ‘The Bird of the River’? I can’t think of anything better... :o)

Thanks to those lovely people at Tor, I have three copies of ‘The Bird of the River’ to give away to three lucky blog readers. Here’s the thing though, I’m afraid that this competition is only open to people living in the US. If you’re not one of these people, sorry about that but do yourself a favour and give the book a go anyway!

If you’re still with me then you know what to do. Simply drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. There will be a few competitions going on and I don’t want to get your entries all muddled up so the subject header for this one is ‘Bird of the River’. If that’s not in your subject header then your entry doesn’t get entered.

I’ll be leaving this one open until the 29th of August and will announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!


  1. Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I received Day By Day Armageddon and loved (and reviewed) it! Thanks again!

  2. Not entering this one because this was a release date purchase for me. :D This was a wonderful ending to the Anvil of the World series, and it's sad that K. Baker is no longer with us to write any more wonderful books.

  3. I'm waiting for my copy of this to arrive soon. Rachel, you might be interested to know that Kage's sister Kathleen is working on finishing the story Kage had to leave half done. She's blogging about the process at

  4. As I live in the UK I can't enter, but I am determined to pick up some of Baker's works soon.
    Good luck to those who enter, lucky beggers

  5. Neassa, thanks! I didn't know that, and that should be something interesting to watch. :)


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