Wednesday 18 August 2010

The 'Baby Jekyll and Hyde' Competition Winner's Post!

Hope is lovely in the morning, all full of smiles and joy and wanting nothing more than to play. Honestly, it's the best way to start the day :o) By the time I get back from work though it's all changed and there's a different baby in the house. This one likes nothing more than to moan, whinge and not do what you want her to. And woe betide the foolish parent who tries to get her to go bed at a decent time...
Are we just dealing with a tired baby or is there something more sinister happening in the house...? I knew I shouldn't have that elixir lying around...


Last week I ran a competition where UK readers could win copies of Jeff Somers' 'The Terminal State' and one lucky winner would win all the 'Avery Cates' books in the series so far. Without further ado, the three lucky winners were...

Eleanor Boyall (from Dorchester) bagged herself a copy of 'The Terminal State'.
Jane Middleton (from Cheltenham) did likewise :o)

Ed Read (from Reading) struck gold and bagged himself copies of 'The Electric Church', 'The Digital Plague', 'The Eternal Prison' and 'The Terminal State'. Nice going there!

Well done guys! Your books are on their way... Better luck next time everyone else.


  1. Woo Hoo! That's brilliant, I'm really looking forwards to reading what I'm sure will be an excellent series. Thanks Graeme (and Orbit)!

    Ed R

  2. Thanks so much! I'm super excited! :D


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