Thursday 22 July 2010

Which cover would you go for...?

This one is perhaps a bit of a no-brainer but I’m going to run with it anyway and see what happens J

Every so often I’ll get two copies of the same book from different publishers. I’m only ever going to read one of these (really can’t be bothered reading alternate chapters, from each, in the interests of being fair...) but want to give some coverage to both so... which cover do you prefer?

Up this time round is China Mieville’s ‘flawed but still quite splendid’ ‘Kraken’. I posted my review a couple of months ago so won’t waste your time saying what the book is about, have a click over Here if you want to read more...

Here’s the UK cover....

And here’s the US cover...

So, what’s your preference? The way I see it, if you’re going to have tentacles on your front cover then make them tentacles (with suckers and everything!) not the merest suggestion of tentacles... It’s a foregone conclusion as far as I’m concerned, the UK cover wins hands down this time round for that very reason. I’d also say that the colour scheme on the UK cover is more suggestive of the tone of ‘Kraken’ than the US cover. ‘Kraken’ is a garish novel (in a good way), more so than you’d think by looking at the US cover.

What about you though? If you saw both of these covers on the shelf, which one would you take home with you?

Comments please!


  1. Have to go with the second cover. The first one is a turn off for me where the second cover is more artistic imo.

  2. Ultimately, I'd prefer the Subterranian Press edition cover. Of the two here, I think the US cover is better than the UK version. Maybe I'll investigate securing an import edition .....

  3. I like the Us one, more subtle & understated, although neither would put me off.

  4. Would take the UK cover over the US. But as JamesY said, the Sub Press tops them both.

  5. I'd go with the UK cover, without seeing the title it jumps out at me. The US one is just plain.

  6. I'd go for the US cover, does more for me artistically than the UK one. Haven't read the book so can't comment on how they suit but I'm not 100% sure thats the purpose of a cover, or is it?

    I'm not keen on the lettering of the UK one either, the authors name dominates.

  7. Agree with you, Graeme, the UK has a more appealing cover, but like JamesY said, the Sub Press is even nicer.

  8. It's go to be the US cover for me.

  9. While both are attractive, I must say I perfer the UK cover. More powerful.

  10. The second cover is a bit too subtle for me. At first look it seems restful and serene but by the second glance I'm bored.

    The red is much more attractive and squidy tentacles should have suckers not resemble sea-weed

  11. The US cover awakens my curiosity, and I like the transformation of the title into tentacles. It's ominous. If I saw the UK cover I might dismiss it - oh, a book about a squid, hmm, next. The US cover suggests without pinning one to the literal.

  12. I like the UK cover. But I'm in the US so I'll end up with the US cover.

  13. I'm torn on this. I've already bought the US edition, but I like the cover of the UK edition better.

    That being said the Subterranean Press edition [] of this book is STUNNING. I'm debating buying all three.

  14. Obviously the UK cover. I mean, tentacles are awesome, and the US cover has no spirit whatsoever. It's more or less blank.

  15. I'm drawn to the tentacle. Does that me a bad person? :)

  16. Without hesitation the UK Cover.

    The US one looks like anorexic tentacles.

  17. Rabid Fox:

    Being drawn to tentacles does not necessarily make you a bad person. But on balance, probably.

  18. Honestly, neither cover interests me. I'd only pick them up because they're Mieville, not because they look nice.

  19. I'd say the UK cover because of the colour scheme and it's boldness. Though I do like the typographic design of the US cover, like others stated, it's just a little vague.

  20. The SubPress cover totally wins of course but I was only going by the books that I'd been sent... ;o)

    Thanks for the comments everyone!

  21. I actually like both covers. While the UK one fits better the tone of the book, I also tend not to like garish art on my books. It could go either way.

  22. The UK covers ALWAYS look better than the US covers. I don't get's like they hate us over here...


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