Friday 30 July 2010

Bits and Pieces, Odds and Ends...

Because, despite having nothing but good intentions as far as the blog goes, life gets in the way and books don’t get read as quickly as I would like. The baby was crying and she just wouldn’t stop (wasn’t too impressed at her vaccinations)... Priorities have had to change in the last twelve (and a bit) weeks but not so much that I’ll have to stop reading entirely! There’s far too much good stuff out there for that to happen. Terry DeHart’s ‘The Unit’ was a book that I picked up, the day before yesterday, as it looked like ‘quick read material’ for the daily commute. It’s only two hundred and eighty pages long but it’s not a quick read at all. There’s a lot meat (so far) on this post-apocalyptic tale and it’s all worth chewing over. Look out for a review in the next few days...

After that? Well, there’s a challenge that I’ve got to take up... My copy of ‘Wizard’s First Rule’ arrived in the post yesterday while I was at work and I’m not going to hang around in cracking this one open and seeing what I think. Again, look out for a review in the next few days or so... After that? Anyone’s guess really. I’m not setting myself any reading targets for the rest of the year, just going to pick up stuff from the reading pile that looks like it could be interesting :o)

Anything else? As it happens, yes :o) I was chatting to Mark Newton the other day, in his other guise as Black Library Publicity Guy, and asked him if there was anything he would be happy to share on the blog regarding the follow up to ‘City of Ruin’ (a book that I still need to pick up, hopefully sooner rather than later!) There is a provisional title but that won’t be announced until the cover art is finalised. What Mark did say though is that,

‘ three goes down another different route. Less overt weirdness this time, and back to Villjamur for a different kind of noir (superheroes featuring a transgendered lead).’

Less ‘overt’ weirdness eh? Sounds like there’s still going to be a fair bit of weirdness to keep fans happy...

There’s loads of other stuff going on at loads of other great blogs right now; here’s a little peek at all my favourite bits...

I can’t believe it’s been four years since David Gemmell passed away; I didn’t even realise so much time had passed until James reminded me in this post. Gemmell’s books are more a ‘Christmas read in front of a roaring fire’ for me these days but James’ post has got me looking ahead and deciding which book(s) it will be this time round...

You’ve got until midnight tonight if you want to enter this contest over at ‘Floor to Ceiling Books’. I haven’t read all of these books (although ten out of thirteen isn’t bad!) but will still thoroughly recommend the ‘Horus Heresy’ series to anyone who wants to listen. Enter this competition and thank me if you win...

Mark gives us the cover art and synopsis for Eric Brown’s ‘Engine Man’ (from Solaris)

Adam Whitehead is the Oracle of the Internet and knows things far in advance of us mortals. Some say that he sold his soul to the gods of the internet for this prescience but that’s a tale for another time... For now, check out some movie news from his blog!

Niall doesn't have Adam’s ‘Internet Powers’ but that’s not going to stop him giving us film news of his own...

I still need to read ‘Return of the Crimson Guard’ (total ‘Malazan burn out’ over here at the moment) but once I do, I will click Here and follow the link to read the prologue for Esslemont’s ‘Stonewielder’. Transworld have got a real thing for putting boats on their covers haven’t they?

And finally, Gav is back from his travels and wanting to know what we think he should read first from a monster list of books. Have a click Here and let him know what you think he should be picking up...

That’s enough links for now, time to be getting on with the business of reading! Stick around and find out how it all goes...

1 comment:

  1. You're reading WIZARD'S FIRST RULE? Should be interesting.

    As for Esslemont, I think this is a Bantam visual identity thing. Erikson has figures (either people or dogs) looking vaguely threatening and ICE has boats and people on boats looking pensive/aggressive/mystified, apparently.


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