Wednesday 2 June 2010

The 'Middle of the Night' Competition Winner's Post!

Thanks to everyone who entered the 'Sword of Albion' competition that I ran last week! There were only three books to win though so there can only be three winners... Those lucky folks were,

Trevor Vallender, Bristol, UK
Mohd Arief Zainal Abidin, Malaysia
Tom Kruijsen, The Netherlands

Well done guys! Your books will be on their way very soon ;o)
Better luck next time everyone else. If you're from the UK or US then you might want to scroll down the page a little bit and check out the competitions that went up over the weekend...


  1. Woohoo!

    Thanks Graeme, looking forward to reading the book (it's my second MC book that I won from you, the first one being The Lord of Silence).

    Thanks again! :)

    -Arief Zainal-

  2. Wow thanks a lot Graeme, I haven't read anything by Chadbourn before but loved the sound of the book from your review - probably would have purchased it eventually.

    Look forward to receiving it!

  3. Awesome, thanks a lot. Although now I won't be able to whine about never winning anything anymore. ;-) Still, it's worth it, and I'm looking forward to reading it. Your review made it seem very appealing.


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