Sunday 20 June 2010

Giveaway! 'Sword of Justice' (Chris Wraight)

Thanks to the quite frankly awesome people at the Black Library, I have five copies of Chris Wraight's 'Sword of Justice' to give away on the blog. Just to clarify, it's still books that I'm giving away here and not five replicas of the mighty blade that Mr Wraight is rumoured to keep and uses when justice needs to be done... ;o)

Still with me? Brilliant! Here's the blurb for what is the first book in the new 'Warhammer Heroes' series...

Fresh from the slaughter of the Emperor's enemies in the north, Ludwig Schwarzhelm, Emperor's Champion, is sent to Averland to oversee the inauguration of a new elector count. Beset by greenskins, and hampered on all sides by the ambitions of rival magnates, he is soon fighting to keep the fractious province together. But the rot runs deep. Powerful forces in Altdorf seem determined to see him fail, and suspicion falls on even his most trusted allies. When all is at its bleakest, the mark of Chaos and the full horror of his task is finally revealed. Alone, doubted by those closest to him, this will be Schwarzhelm's greatest ever challenge, one on which the destiny of the Empire itself depends.

If this sounds like your kind of thing then you know the drill by now. Send me an email (address at the top right hand of the screen) telling me who you are and where you live. You also need to make it very clear in your subject header that this the competition that you want to enter. If you don't then your entry doesn't make it into the final draw...

This competition is open to everyone, it doesn't matter where you live!

I’ll let this one run until the 27th of June and will aim to announce the winners as soon as I can afterwards...

Good Luck!


  1. I'm sorry, how can I e-mail you exactly? Can't seem t find the address..

  2. Under the Wonderlands pic is a bit that says 'Email Me!' That's where it is ;o)

  3. Quick question :) Not trying to be greedy or anything but wanted to know, if it is ok to enter two *2* drawings and hopefully win 1 lol


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