Friday 11 June 2010

Cover Art vs. The Blurb...

Sometimes you see a cover and you immediately think, "I'm having some of that!" That's what I thought when I saw the cover for Rowena Cory Daniells' 'The King's Bastard'. Check it out...

Gorgeous isn't it? :o) But then you turn the book over to a blurb that really dampens your enthusiasm, much like Rowena Cory Daniells' 'The King's Bastard'... Here it is,

Only seven minutes younger than Rolencia's heir, Byren has never hungered for the throne. He laughs when a seer predicts that he will kill his twin. But the royal heir resents Byren's growing popularity. Across the land the untamed magic of the gods wells up out of the earth's heart. It sends exotic creatures to stalk the wintry nights and it twists men's minds, granting them terrible visions. Those so touched are sent to the Abbey to control their gift, or die. At King Rolen's court enemies plot to take his throne, even as secrets within his own household threaten to tear his family apart. Political intrigue and magic combine in this explosive first book in an exciting new fantasy trilogy.

I have to say it doesn't sound like anything I haven't read before. There's enough there to make me want to give it a go, at least, but I'm not holding out much hope. I'm a real sucker for cover art at the moment though and what I see there really makes me want to have the book prove me wrong!

What about you though? Is this a book that you would pick up? And what happened here to have the cover art and blurb at odds with each other...?


  1. In this case I let myself get carried away and I ordered the book in advance. I expect delivery begin of July. Then I will see .....

  2. same here, the cover art hooked me in and the blurb did not spoil that. Have the whole trilogy on pre-order

  3. Oh the cover art can be gorgeous, but I need to know that the content is according to my tastes. I am willing to experiment, but overall I have too many books to read. Choosing a book based on the cover is not enough. Give me research, baby.

  4. The guy on the cover looks badass. And the blurb doesn't sound so bad. Actually sounds like it could be good.
    But maybe i'll wait for your review, Graeme ;)

  5. A good looking cover will definitely attract my attention, but I won't buy it if the book sounds like a dud (and that one does).

  6. The cover alone would make me pick it up, but yes it seems like a reread of various other books. Sometimes I dream of a book with little political intrigue. What ever happened to the hero quest plot device? What ever happened to the magical jewels lol.


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