Monday 7 June 2010

Another Early Morning Competition Winners Post!

There were a few competitions running last week weren't there? Good wasn't it? :o) Well, the time has come to let you folks know who all the lucky winners were. Well done if you were one of them, better luck next time if you weren't!
The lucky winners were...

'Feed' (Mira Grant)

Victoria Navin, Wales
Lori Darling, Suffolk, UK
Melissa Symonds, Surrey, UK

'The Folding Knife' (K.J. Parker)

Lee Barker, Rotherham, UK
Sam Komaravalli, Middlesex, UK
Luke Wells, Bicester, UK

'Heaven's Devils' (William C. Deitz)

Reuben Hubbard, Canada
Shaun Duke, Florida, US
Charles Fraker, Richmond, US
Todd Johansen, Spring City, US
Craig Cote, BC, Canada

Well done guys, your books are headed your way right now!
Better luck next time everyone else... ;o)


  1. Hey, Graeme. Thanks for the book. Looking forward to reading it.

  2. What a lovely wya to start a fresh week with the news I had won a book! Many thanks Graeme and also for your hard work reviewing these books :)

  3. HI Graeme! Thanks for the chance to win the book I am thrilled and after the review you gave it I can't wait to get page turning! Thanks for the time and dedication collating the information for your blog, with all the books you read and review you are like the Oracle of the fantasy book world :)
    Victoria Navin

  4. Excellent! Thanks very much for the good news. Looking forward to reading the book. Cheers and all the best.

  5. Awesome! I open my email up on my birthday, and what do you know, Graeme is giving me a book!

    Thanks a lot! I love the blog, and I'm looking forward to reading my new book.

  6. Hey Graeme : ) thank you very much indeed for the prize : ) I like suprises me i'm all made up now and cant wait to read the book : ) thanks again ...Lee Barker : )

  7. Hi Graeme - you've made my day, - I've won a copy of Feed. Many thanks for all your hard work. Look forward to reading my copy.

  8. Great start to the week - thanks Graeme! You a new Zonmbie convert here :-)

  9. Thanks Graeme for telling me I won a copy of 'The Folding Knife', I'm looking forward to reading it!

  10. Awesome! I won a book. That makes me strangely very happy. Is it okay if I dance now?


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