Saturday 15 May 2010

Trailer for 'The Machinery of Light'

Because not only do I love book trailers but I also enjoyed the first two books in this series... :o)

THE MACHINERY OF LIGHT trailer from Claire Haskell on Vimeo.

Check out my reviews for 'The Mirrored Heavens' and 'Burning Skies'. Give it a week or so and you'll be able to see what I thought of 'The Machinery of Light', looking forward to getting stuck into this one!

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed. Most book trailers are totally pointless (roughly, the blurb overlaid on very static images). This trailer is groovy, although it makes me want to see the non-existent movie. ;-)

    (I'm not interested in this series, although the trailer almost makes me reconsider.)


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