Monday 26 April 2010

The 'Wishing things would hurry up a bit!' Competition Winner's Post!

The due date for the birth of our first child was Saturday but it looks like she's decided she's happier where she is for the time being. It's only been a couple of days since then but I'm getting impatient already! I'm absolutely useless at waiting for things, you should see me the day before my birthday...
Oh well. In the meantime, here are the lucky winners of last week's set of competitions...

'Shadow Prowler' (Alexhey Pehov)

April Disney, Washington, USA

'Sleepless' (Charlie Huston)

Laura Ward Jones, Manchester, UK

Well done guys, your books are on their way!
Better luck next time everyone else...


  1. Best Wishes on the imminent birthday!

  2. Just wanted to say thanks for the book; I will let you know what I thought!

  3. Congrats Graeme! We're expecting our first in July. Can't wait till they're devouring our fantasy collections. :)

  4. Hope baby comes soon! Those last days are the longest, I think...

  5. Well? Has it happened yet? I bet we'll know from the long gap in updating your blog lol! Get the sleep in now, while you can, (evil laugh!).

    Good luck.


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