Monday 12 April 2010

The 'I bet you forgot about all these competitions' Competition Winner's Post!

The house has been moved into (although we're not completely unpacked) and the emergency surgery is a fading memory. Most importantly of all though, I have the internet back at home! This means that I can finally access my Gmail and let you lovely people know just who it was who won the last three competitions I ran before everything went topsy turvy. Apologies again for the delay! Life and stuff, you know...

Anyway, onto the important business of announcing competition winners. The lucky people were...

'Dark Lady's Chosen' (Signed) - Gail Z. Martin

Rob Eves, Stourbridge, UK

'Flesh and Iron' - Henry Zou

Arnaldo Marziali, Paris
Bill Cortellessa, New York, USA
Laura Armstrong, Ontario, Canada
Dean Smith. Nottingham, UK
Chris McGuire, Alberta, Canada

'Black Tide' - James Swallow

Caleb Huitt, Iowa, USA
Emma Reid, Berkshire, UK
Jim Haley, USA
Alberto Ablanedo, Spain
Pete Purhonen, Finland

'The Midnight Mayor' - Kate Griffin

Hayley Spencer, Rutland, UK
John Robson, Gateshead, UK
Sherri Hough, Newmarket, UK

Well done everyone! Once again, sorry for the delay... Your books will be with you soon :o)

Will there be more competitions? Hopefully there will be, I love running the competitions! :o) However, life is set to get even more busy in the next two weeks and I don't want to get into another situation where things drag out like this. I guess we'll all just have to watch this space and see what happens...


  1. Bill Cortellessa12 April 2010 at 01:39

    Thanks Graeme! Your the best!

    Looking forward to reading Flesh and Iron!

  2. Thanks so much! I look forward to reading Flesh and Iron!

  3. Thank you for managing these competitions, Graeme. I am an avid reader of your reviews and it just made my day when I read your email about me getting a copy of Black Tide.

    Thanks again.

  4. Good luck with all the unpacking and settling in!

  5. Wooo-hooo!
    Thanks Graeme,for your reviews and these nice giveaways!

    The emperor protects!

  6. Alberto Ablanedo12 April 2010 at 09:08

    Thanks a lot!!! I'm a faithful reader of your reviews. It's great that you are running competitions like these. No problems for delays at all. It's kind enough of you to be doing it.

  7. Excellent, can't wait to read Black Tide. Thanks.

  8. Thank you so much!

    I cant wait to receive the book so i can have a good read...

    Many Thanks

  9. ~Hayley Spencer~12 April 2010 at 19:33

    Fantastic, can't wait for it to arrive, thanks so much!!

  10. Congrats to the winners! Can't remember if I entered, but I'll be sure to submit my name in the future.

  11. I never win ANYTHING... This is a great Monday. Thank you Graeme!

  12. WooHoo! Thanks for everything!

  13. Hurray! I won something, I won something!

    Thanks for all the contests.


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