Monday 19 April 2010

Edi's Book Lighthouse!

If you're a blogger (or a blog reader) then the odds are you will have come across ediFanoB, a German fantasy and sci-fi reader who has made it his mission to read pretty much everything genre related that he can lay his hands on. A worthy cause indeed!

In a slight change, Edi is no longer a genre reader; he's blogging about what he reads as well as rounding up all the news bits that he comes across in his ongoing exploration of the internet. It's all looking good so far, check him out over Here...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Graeme,

    thank you so much for posting about me and my "mission".

    It is true that I changed my focus a bit since I started Edi's Book Lighthouse exactly two weeks ago.

    However I can tell you that my heart still beats for fantasy and especially fantasy books.

    But I like the "freedom" to read and write about books and other things beyond the genre.

    And as a follower of your blog I know that you also read books beyond the genre.

    The most important thing for me is that I enjoy what I'm doing. And the better when there are some more people who like it too.

    Enjoy reading :)


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