Wednesday 17 March 2010

Technical Difficulties (or ‘How Graeme was a little too organised for his own good…’)

Blog posts could be a little patchy for the next few days; BT took me at me word when I told them that we were moving house and cut off our Internet access (at the old place) a little earlier than I was expecting. I was planning on having a few more days to get posts scheduled for when our Internet access was cut off for real… This post is coming at you live from my mate's house, don't know where the next one will come from...

So here’s how it’s going to go. I don’t have access to my Gmail account right now sorting out announcing competition winners is going to have to wait until I’m back online in the safety of my own home. There might be competitions in the meantime though if I can get them sorted out, we’ll have to wait and see…

As far as everything else goes… I’ve got posts planned for the blog but it all depends on finding decent Internet access as to when I can get them posted. Because of the operation I had last week, Internet access has to be within limping distance otherwise it just isn’t happening!

Apologies for the disruption in service! I’m hoping you guys will all stick around for some of the things I’ve got coming up. It’s all good, I just don’t know when it will get posted…


  1. Thanks for info! Don't worry. Hope you get well soon. it is always and adventure when you need to change your flat/house. You will never know when phone and internet works again. I live in Germany and the are uncountable stories about it...

  2. Ah man - interweb complications suck, 'specially when combined with post-op-house-moving. Never fear, we'll still be here when you limp back from the ether.

  3. We'll see you the other side!

    Hope it all goes smoothly from here on in.

  4. Thanks for the update Graeme.

    I think everyone with an internet connection has been 'serviced' a time or three by their isp. ;)

    Looking forward to future posts once you are settled in your new home.

  5. Good luck with all the moving odds and ends.

  6. Oy moving is bad enough but internet-less is a total nightmare

  7. We shall be waiting. :) Don't worry.

  8. Best wishes... and don't limp too far. We will be waiting. ;)


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