Thursday 11 March 2010

The 'Bang on Time' Competition Winner's Post!

After the inexcusable tardiness of last week's post (or was it the week before...) I resolved to make sure that the winner's of last week's competitions were bought to you in the most timely of fashions :o)

Without further ado, here they are...

'A Thousand Sons'

Ronan Le Failler, Rennes, France
Carla Fox, Warwickshire, UK
Goran Zadravec, Croatia
Vasilia Dokos, Sydney, Australia
Geoff. C. Daley, Bedfordshire, UK

'Salute the Dark'

Steven Van Bael, Belgium
Clare O'Reilly, London, UK
Georgina Ball, Ely, UK

Well done guys! Your books are on their way...

Better luck next time everyone else ;o)


  1. I can't wait, especially since your last post described exactly how well Thousand Sons was doing! Thanks so much!

  2. Fantastic! I am really looking forward to reading this!

  3. Great, I have been hooked on the Horus Heresy since I read your reviews here, so thanks a lot! :)

  4. Fantasic! I love the Shadows of the Apt series - you've my day, Thankyou x

  5. I am really looking forward to this read, so many people have recomended Thousand Sons to me, thank you!

  6. I love your contests man. Keep up the good work with the blog.

    Steven Van Bael

  7. Still haven't read anything in the Horus Heresy series, but I'm really looking forward to reading this.
    Many thanks!


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