Monday 22 February 2010

The 'Ooh, it's finally going to happen!' Competition Winner's Post!

After what seems like a lifetime (or at the very least, a few months more than it should have been) we're finally looking at getting the keys to our new place and moving in over the next couple of weeks. I'm not sure what this is going to do to the blog in the meantime. Stick around and we'll all find out together! :o)

In the meantime, run your eyes over this lucky bunch of people who won themselves books in last week's competitions...

‘The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms’

Paul Gibbons, London, UK
Antonios Matakos, Serres, Greece
Joshua Meeklah, Rutland, UK


Helena Jones, Bedford, UK
Andrew Woods, Ilkley, UK
Kim Webster, Ipswich, UK

Well done guys, your books are on their way! (Hopefully a lot quicker than I said in my email, stupid 'Cut & Paste'...)

Better luck next time everyone else!


  1. Yay! I'm going to look forward to reading Shadowrise.

    Thanks for the comps.


  2. Oooo I'm very happy to get this one! I hope it comes in time for easter holidays as there are bound to be some nice reading stretches then. Thanks a lot Graeme for the competitions and for running this great blog.

  3. Have a smooth transition to the new home, Graeme - and don't worry about this place. We'll keep it dusted and feed the mice while you're gone :)

  4. I'm looking forward to reading The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, although I guess it'll get me hooked and I'll have to get the rest of the trilogy ;-)

  5. WInner! People always say "I've never won anything before" , But I really haven't - until now. I never thought it would make me so happy! Only problem is i have a new pile called "Books I won", right alongside "To Read", "To read next" and "Read before anything else....".

    A great blog just got better...



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