Monday 1 February 2010

The 'I really ought to get some sleep' Competition Winners Post!

I've got one hell of a busy week at work coming up and I should be sleeping the sleep of the just right now. Instead, I'm coming at you from a cold bedroom (somewhere in London...) ready to give you a list of those lucky people who won last week's competitions. Am I far too committed to this blog or do I just not want to go to work in the morning...? :o)

Anyway, the following folks will be getting a book through their door really soon...

'Original Sin' (Allison Brennan)

Becca Hirschman, California, US

'Death & Dishonour'

Grzegorz Nowak, Krakow, Poland
Anthony Allen, Sydney, Australia
Andrew Perry, Kirkcudbright, Scotland
William van Dyke, Walla Walla, US
Victor Garrison, New Jersey, US

Well done guys, your books should hopefully be with you very soon!
I'm off to bed now, see you in the morning...


  1. William van Dyke1 February 2010 at 09:04

    Excellent, thanks Graeme! Really looking forward to finally getting into the Warhammer Fantasy universe.

  2. Yay!

    Many thanks - it's always nice to win things, particularly books. It'll have a good home, with many of its friends... :-)

  3. SWEET! Thanx Graeme, been really getting into the vast Warhammer World with my Son. I'm soooo looking forward to reading this book.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks!

    It was a nice surprise! I can't wait to get the book in my hands! :)


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