Sunday 7 February 2010

The Father of Steampunk Signs With Angry Robot.

From the press release...

KW Jeter coined the term Steampunk, but unbelievably his classic novels Infernal Devices and Morlock Night have been out of print since the early 1980s. Angry Robot are delighted to announce that we are bringing them back to a new generation of readers in paperback, audio and eBook formats.

Infernal Devices tells the story of George – a Victorian watchmaker who has inherited his father’s shop, though not his talent. A tale of time travel, music and sexual intrigue, Infernal Devices is a true classic.

Morlock Night, meanwhile, is a wild sequel to Wells’ The Time Machine – having acquired a device for themselves, the brutish Morlocks return to invade sleepy old England…

So, don your brass goggles, wind your mechanisms and sit back with a couple of true classics from a steam-driven Angry Robot.

Look out for both of these books towards the end of 2010. I've never read either of these books and am looking forward to giving them a go. Come to think of it, I don't think I've read anything by K.W. Jeter at all (I may have read one book but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called...) Have any of you guys read his work? Did you think it was any good...?


  1. Like you I look forward to these books.

    For more information look at:

    K W Jeter website
    K W jeter books
    Morlock Night review
    And finally wikipedia

  2. I've read two books by Jeter. His sequel to Blade Runner I thought was pretty great. The first book of his Star Wars Bounty Hunter's Trilogy (The Mandalorian Armor) I thought was pretty terrible, and didn't bother to read the rest of that series.

  3. I read Noir, I think it was pretty good, but that was several years ago. I have just discovered steam punk, and I am really enjoying it.


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