Monday 25 January 2010

The 'Where did my Weekend go?' Competition Winner's Post...

Seriously, who stole my weekend? I put it down for a second on Saturday morning, looked up and it was Sunday night... :o( If anyone has seen my weekend lying around anywhere then I'd be very grateful for its safe return. There may or may not be a cash reward...

Anyway, there's no time for me to moan... not when there are competition winners to announce! Thanks to everyone who entered last week, my email inbox felt all warm and loved :o) The lucky winners were...

'Soul Hunter'

Chafic Mekkaoui, Canada
Karen Holsten, Fife, UK
Kriss Logan, Australia
Jani Hujanen, Finland
Stuart Davies, Redditch, UK

'Black and White'

Andy Phillips, Macclesfield, UK
Sue Sales, Pickering, UK
Hollie Marsh, Kent, UK

Well done guys, your books should be on their way even as we speak... :o)

Better luck next time everyone else, why don't you scroll down and see if either of this weekend's competitions take your fancy...


  1. Fantastic, I won the Soulhunter book.

    Thanks Graeme!


  2. Cheers! Now I need to fight with my lad over who gets to read Soulhunter first :-)

  3. Thank you Graeme, Black and White win for me, I'm thrilled. Cant wait to start reading!

  4. Thank You!! Can't wait to read Black and White!

  5. Oh man! I was super excited when I got the email about winning the Soulhunter book!

    Thanks Graeme!

  6. Thanks Graham, I never expected to win so this is a great post Christmas boost.

  7. So excited to have won something. Thanks!!!


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