Thursday 28 January 2010

Cover Art! 'Flesh and Iron' (Henry Zou)

I don't tend to post a lot of cover art here (except when I get the same book from two different publishers...) but sometimes I just see the cover for a book and have to post it! Check this out...

Vicious men in a vicious jungle... with big guns! It doesn't get too much better than that, a cover that's almost aimed at me personally... (how do they do that?)
The blurb doesn't look bad either...

There are reports of an uprising on the planet of Solo-Baston. Indigenous forces are rebelling against Imperial rule, led by the mysterious 'Dos Pares'. Amidst the conflict, the 31st Riverine Imperial Guard are dispatched to seek and destroy a vital battery of siege guns, but find themselves beset on all sides by hostile forces. And what they originally thought was simple tribal warfare soon reveals a much more sinister activity. Henry Zou's latest novel serves as a prequel to Emperor's Mercy and delivers non-stop action and mystery in the grim world of Warhammer 40,000.

I wasn't too keen on 'Emperor's Mercy' but I did say that I thought his next book could be worth picking up. I guess we'll soon see :o)


  1. Hi Graeme a bookstore near me has a few odd warhammer books, on good price. The thing is I've never actually read a warhammer book, what's the deal with these books, what are they about and can one just pick up a random warhammer book and start reading or is it like a continuing series' and stuff?
    Would really appreciate your help.

  2. Fantasizer:

    for the most part, you can pick up anywhere and continue reading. Youre missing information if you start halfway through but the authors usually do a good job of filling in critical story bits with enough detail to understand the current book, without making the previous one 'void'. Gaunt's ghosts and space wolves are a g ood starting point. anything on Ciaphas Cain is also good...


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