Friday 29 January 2010

Book Trailer for 'A Dark Matter' Peter Straub

Just had this emailed to me and I thought I'd share :o) It's short but pretty spooky...

Having seen the blurb and the trailer I'm going to go for it and read 'A Dark Matter'. I haven't actually read anything by Peter Straub so it will be good to check him out and see what he's all about. Has anyone else read any of his books? If you have, what did you think?


  1. I haven't read him, but that was a well-done book trailer. Very simple but scary and the music was perfect!

  2. I have been reading Peter Straub since I was a young'un, and I *highly* recommend his work. He blends supernatural horror with psychological thriller and really takes chances with his writing (lots of alternating narrative techniques, multiple characters, etc). Truly, one of the masters of Horror.

    And if you're hesitant, you can always start with The Talisman - his collaborative novel with Stephen King :)

  3. I've been reading Peter Straub for many years but I find him a bit hit or miss. I will say that his book Ghost Story is one of the scariest ghost stories I've ever read.

  4. I read Ghost Story and a couple of others when I was a teenager going through a 'paranormal phase'.

    He is a good storyteller and both his writing style and characterisations were well above average.


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