Monday 7 December 2009

The Monday Morning 'I won the Lottery!' Competition Winner's Post.

Okay, it was only £20 (actually it £19.50...) but it all counts! :o) Still have to go into work though...

The following people will hopefully be just as happy as me as they won last week's competitions (they'll still have to go to work though...)

'My Dead Body' (Charlie Huston)

Asma Shafi, London, UK
Deborah Gandley, Solihull, UK
Matthew Popplewell, Hampshire, UK

'Small Miracles' (Edward Lerner)

Matt Paddock, Virginia, USA

Well done guys, your books will be on their way real soon! Better luck next time everyone else, there will be more chances to win stuff shortly (in fact there already are, scroll down a bit...)

What's that? What have I got coming up this week? I'm on a bit of a 'Black Library Binge' at the moment so it's fairly certain that you'll see some Warhammer or Warhammer 40K books getting a look in here. I still need to finish off 'Canticle' as well, hopefully that'll happen this week.

Stick around! ;o)


  1. Congratulations on winning the Lottery! Even if you still had to go to work.

  2. Oh yay!! i am soooo happy - been dying to read the last book in the Joe Pitt series!! Cheers, Asma

  3. I won the lottery too, Graeme! £10.

    I've been debating all morning on what to spend my vast fortune on. :)

  4. I promised myself that winning the lottery wouldn't change me and, so far, it hasn't... :o(


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